Find a bug? Have a cool idea for a new feature? Tell us all about it here!
History feature
Site will take a static snapshot of each map every half hour. These records are available for a week.
This is actually already something we are planning on doing. Except we were planning on doing snapshots every 5 minutes for the past 24 hours. Do you think it would be more helpful to have a week's worth of data?
Allow us to draw on and share maps with direct links to help organize cross-outfit operations
Please make a function where we could log in, draw battle plans on an active map with basic MS paint tools, text, and symbols. Then allow us to give those custom maps a unique URL for sharing through teamspeak chat.
This will help organize huge scale operations with multiple outfits involved. Nothing I can think of would more quickly make you the best ps2 maps website. It's free advertising because commanders will hand out the link to your site hourly.
This is something we have been planning on adding for a while now. It is a big task but it is definitely coming.
Make the server choices a unique URL
In doing so, people can easily add your website's server-specific URL (i.e. to their favorites list, streamlining the functionality by taking them instantly to their server's continent maps.
Yes we are planning on doing this. In fact we are going to create a global view type of page for each server, where you can see all the active territories for each continent, along with statistic like "What % of the territories each faction controls" and "How many of each type of resource each faction is currently getting on each continent"
It'd be nice to be able to see the Lattice Lines
I don't imagine it'd be too hard to add a Lattice filter so we can see what direction battles are going to go in. Just for convenience. Thanks!
Working on this right now. Taking slightly longer than expected due to the official PS2 API not being fully updated for GU09 yet.
Indar maps for briggs and emerald not displaying control, at all. or is glitched
So whenever i go to the indar map (doesn't seem to matter which server, or device actually) it will not display correctly, i.e. it will not show any control, or doesn't update. I'll insert a screenshot.
Have the maps embed able
I think this would be a amazing resource for forums and other planetside 2 webpages, so the ability to look at the maps on the forums, the admin could add it as a widget ?
Show continent population balance
Is it possible to get a bar graph (like in-game) or something that would show the population of the continent? Or even the population of a hex area (don't think this one is even possible in-game)?
We are currently working on adding something that shows the percent of territory control for each faction. Unfortunately there is no way to fetch the percent of faction population per continent from the PS2 API. But if they ever do add this to the API, we will definitely add it in.
Are you suggesting something like a newly changed territory changes to a different color than red/blue/purple and then fades to the appropriate red/blue/purple color?
show the amount of capture points for each base
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