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Map All airplane refueling/amo stations!

Ben C 12 years ago updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 0

not sure if this is already in the works, but it'd be great if i could find the nearest friendly air-tower to refuel my ESF, also, not sure if it's possible, but it'd be great if i could find friendlie's with AA guns (max, lightning or even other esf's) FAST so i'd have somewhere to run when i'm out gunned. 


1. All Landing Pads have been marked on the map already.  You need to make sure that it's enabled in the sidebar and also they don't show up until you zoom in a certain amount.  We require you to zoom in to see them because if everything was visible at all zoom levels, it would simply be overwhelming and be too cluttered to be useful.  If you want an example of this problem, look no further than the PlanetSide 2 In-game minimap.

We will consider making the minimum and maximum zoom levels that layers are visible at customizable, but it's not in the immediate plans.

2. It is not possible to see where friendly (enemy) soliders or tanks are.  This is something I very much doubt SOE would ever add into the API.


fix faction colours/territory/warpgates

Aperture Laboratories 12 years ago updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 years ago 0

faction colors aren't matching up with warpgates (i.e TR warpgate with purple overlay (lolwut)) could this be fixed?


Thanks for pointing this out.  Missed this when they rotated the WG's last weekend during the hotfix.  We are working on fixing this asap!

Update: This should now be fixed.  Warpgates will now automatically display the proper label, even when SOE rotates the Warpgates in the future.


can you put 3 maps on the same windows for leader of platoon !

Holmes Jozef 11 years ago updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 10 years ago 3

Main website is screwed up

TJ A 11 years ago updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 11 years ago 0
The main website appears as lines of code right now. The only way to view the maps is to know and go to their URL's. Please fix this.
Thanks, fixed now. Error in our upgrade process that we missed. Thanks again.

WDS score highlight map/time held highlight map

Torje Olsen 11 years ago 0
Basically a color filter showing how long it is since a base was last captured. Using the WDS logic (after 6 hours the base stops accumulating points), the color scale should go from 0 hours-6 hours in my opinion.

Play sound whenever a faction captures/resecures a base

Schrödinger's Cat 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 6
Short and simple. When we're playing the game we don't focus on the world map constantly, so we can't really keep track all of the changes on the map. Playing a sound should let users know right away without distracting the game too much.

Alert countdown and population count when selecting a base.

thorsontrev 7 years ago 0

I enjoy using this map to make strategic decisions for me and my outfit, do you think it is possible to add the population count for each facility though?  Would also be nice to be able to see the alert countdown for better decision making.


Please put Capture points back on the map!

Docsyn 7 years ago 0

I know they removed them for performance. Some folks have 2k+ rigs that have no problems with performance though and those Cap points on the map made learning the maps much better!


Hope for hotspot indicator.

Scenarios 7 years ago 0

Just looking at the map is boring. If we show the real-time hotspot on the map, we will know where are they fighting at the moment.


Show the current VP for each map

TheBoneKing 7 years ago 0

Have each map display the VP for each faction