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Could sliders be added to see capture history like a weather map?

Geryk Tollana 10 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 10 year бұрын 3
One of the awesome features of the command center is just leaving it up to watch progress on all continents while not playing. The downside is that the changes are often gradual, making hard to appreciate the flow of control for a given period. Is there a way we could observer capture history for a given period? I think it would provide a great tool for educating players and leaders.

Valley Storage Yard has Incorrect Hexes

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 0

Incorrect Hexes


Ti aloys Inc, vehicle terminal missing

Despo 12 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын 0

It's should be on the first rectangle north-east from vehicle ammo point. You can see the gray spawning platform on it.

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын

Are you still seeing this problem?  Make sure that "Ground Transport Terminals" are enabled in the Sidebar.  There is a difference between Ground Transport Terminals and Ground Vehicle Terminals.  The former allows you to pull Flashes and Sunderers where the later allows all ground vehicles.


add an IRC chatroom

Calvin Pagnotta 9 year бұрын 0
add an IRC chatroom that is accessible through the website on certain maps. (EXAMPLE: Clearly there would need to be some moderation, witch i can see being the only problem, but man would that be a cool addition to the ps4 maps. There isn't enough co-orddination for ps4 atm :(
Under review

Emerald Map doing some weird stuff

Jeremy Tyler Smith 9 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 9 year бұрын 2
The Emerald Map is switching between TR controlling Hossin and VS controlling Indar to VS controlling Hossin and Amerish. While I would be surprised if they did control two continents, this is very confusing.

ability to see facility names when zoomed in

Ville Lehtinen 11 year бұрын 0
I'd like to be able to toggle facility names manually when zoomed in to the level where icons like generators are visible. You could offset the locations of the facility names so they don't overlap with capture points etc. Thx

Tablet friendly

Jacob J Black 10 year бұрын 0
My suggestion is to on the site make a mobile version so it is easier to navigate for phone and tablet users or make a separate companion app to use while playing 

thanks it really helps

Continent change

Qw33r 12 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын 1

Great page - found today :)

One suggestion: Make the dropdown menu for continent change that way, that the continent changes when you just click on the button - e.g. "Esamir" - and the dropdown menu appears when you stay with the mouse over it.

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын

Unfortunately this would be a problem because on mobile devices and touchscreen tablets (iPads, Android tablets, etc), there is no such thing as "hover".  It would then be impossible for someone using an iPad to open the menu, since it requires a "mouse cursor" to hover over it.  Thanks for the suggestion though!  If you have any other ideas or feedback please let us know!


Have the map follow me

jhr 11 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын 0

It would be cool have map zoomed in and have it follow me around. Recentering to whatever region I'm in, but I didn't see anything in the API that would allow it.

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын

Unfortunately you are correct.  There is no way for the API to know where "you" are in the game.


Old Stockpile has incorrect hexes

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 0

The hexes are incorrect.