Find a bug? Have a cool idea for a new feature? Tell us all about it here!
When were maps last updated?
Indar Northern WG borders Camp Connery and Indar Waste. Or it should, map is wrong
Make PS2 Maps site HTTPS, Both bug and idea?
Currently unable to embed in a HTTPS enabled site. getting a ssl certificate or whatever else is needed to be ready for HTTPS would allow it to be used in a great deal more sites, especially seeing that most outfits are on Enjin, which is HTTPS, and would be using it the most.
Indar is broken and won't show territory coverage
It won't show percentages of coverage, which faction owns what territory, or anything except for who owns what facilities and the connections. This is on iPad, and the other continents load just fine
Would it be possible to show the numbers on the bases themselves? Such that that it looks more like what it is in-game? If so, Thanks!
Pie charts, numbers like it is in-game
Tactical overlay
I would highly appreciate if you could add the tactical overlay for the map so that you can draw on it and screenshot it...
Show who the territory was taken from in the Control Log.
Easy change, just change it to "XX captured [TerritoryName] from YY"
PTS Continents Status?
Would it be possible to add the PTS continents to the tracking system? Would be very useful for when we need to record something :]
Thanks for considering it
Territory Control not being colored correctly
The hex cells (Territories) are missing their back faction control colors.
Don't show debug info?
On the page (random page) detailed debug info is displayed. It is generally not good to display it like this. You may have a reason but I am just letting you know.
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