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Adding Hossin support very soon. Probably ~ 2 weeks. I have Hossin working perfectly on our dev server, but have rewritten a lot of the site to make it better and more flexible for future additions. Once that's done, it will go live, giving Hossin support (and proper Amerish region/lattice support as well).
This is a great idea. Unfortunately this is not possible with Census API.  If SOE does add it though, we will add support for it.
Denying this because SOE has added a feature to their API where territory control updates are streamed in realtime to ps2maps.com.  Currently ps2maps.com fetches the territory control from SOE once every 60 seconds.  Far from ideal. With SOE's new implementation, the map will update automatically in realtime, probably no more than a second or two difference from what you see live in game.  So we are denying this feature request since this other solution is a lot better.
Unfortunately there is nothing in the API that automatically allows me to add in no-deploy zones :-(  I will look into adding them manually though.
This is something that I have recently figured out an efficient way to do and I will be adding this feature in soon.
The site currently checks with SOE every 60 seconds to see if the map has changed or not and updates accordingly.  SOE has recently introduced a method that allows for constant updates in almost realtime.  I'm going to be implementing that soon, along with a bunch of other big additions.

I have considered your idea to have a notification when bases are captured and am already planning on including that someday.  Unfortunately there is no way to determine when a base "begins" to be captured.  Only when it HAS been captured.  And there is no way to determine where the fights are or what the faction populations are for any given territory.
Unfortunately not possible with the current PlanetSide 2 API.  But if they ever do add this to the API I will definitely add it.
We will get the Amerish map up as soon as possible.  Sorry, but other priorities have had to take precidence.