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EngineerofStuff 9 year бұрын updated by sheyda 1 year бұрын 22

This is not a big deal, but people generally think a website is more qualified and trustworthy if it is running HTTPS.


Show number of players from each faction in a territory

EngineerofStuff 9 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 9 year бұрын 1

Please add a pie chart, like the one in-game, that shows enemy/friendly amount.


wondering if you can add a timestamp of when continents locked. and if that timestamp could be in local time

G36Ecstasy 9 year бұрын 0

Just wondering if you can put a time and date at the bottom of each continent as to when it was locked? and if that timestamp were in local time? I play on Briggs where there is only ever one continent at a time and it would be great if you can see what is open and work out what will open next.



Ability to see all facility titles at higher zoom levels

bof 12 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын 0

Ability to see all facility titles at higher zoom levels or force it at any zoom level, to facilitate being able to see the whole map with labels on secondary monitors without it taking up the whole screen. I and many other people have PLP setups in which the horizontal resolution is 1200 or 1080 px, being able to leave the whole map up would be very helpful, as having to pan or zoom in further to see everything isn't much more useful than just hitting the M key ingame and doing the same thing. More steps to the zoom levels would also be helpful.

Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын

Done.  Thanks for the suggestion!


Embedded maps do not use correct namespace

Peter Wickersham 10 year бұрын 0
I am developing a dashboard for PS4 outfit usage on a ps2ps4us server like Genudine. I would assume the iframe would look up the correct namespace to use with calls to census or subscriptions to web sockets. However, they are still defaulting to ps2 or ps2:v2, neither of which will match my request to get map info for Genudine

Embedded url:

Developer tools observed the following network calls;



Make zooming smoother (seems to be step-by-step right now)

John Smith 12 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 11 year бұрын 4
The more zoomed-out levels are really different. When you get close in they're closer together, but smoothing out the zooming would fix everything.
Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын

Smooth zooming with an infinite number of zoom levels would be pretty cool. Unfortunately, traditional mapping software like this is based around multiple zoom levels that the user zooms in and out of.  Just look at all major mapping websites out there like Google Maps or Bing Maps or Yahoo Maps etc...  It all centers around the idea that each zoom level has it's own set of map tiles.  So if one were to make a map with a smooth zoom, then it would essentially have an infinite number of zoom levels and then would need an infinite number of tiles as well.  Until someone out there tackles this approach to maps we are going to have to leave this off the drawing board for now.


Zurvan Amp Station - vehicle terminal east of control point missing

Mark N 12 year бұрын updated by Jake Wilson (Lead Developer) 12 year бұрын 0

Possibly just misplaced, western terminal seems to have two icons.


Indar Checker

st0mpy 9 year бұрын жаңартылды 9 year бұрын 0

Im now using 4 browser frames here to see which accounts has Indar locked up so I can play other maps. Would be nice to have a persistent tray utility to tell us what continents have indar locked at that moment. Functions would be, a popup the moment one locks (so we can log in), the tooltip/mouse hover would shortlist which servers are playable (have indar locked at that moment), and the click on list expanded to give a full iconised listing of which servers have what maps locked (just like multiples of your top bar on each of the map pages).

Pls, thank you and go for it :) Indarside is here to stay. I considered fleshing a python tray app up but its finding time to replace something I already get from 4 frames and you guys could probably rustle something up faster based off your current api and image bank were you to think this a good idea (or implement it another way).

Thanks again!!


Show the Fastest Path to Alert Objectives

jhr 11 year бұрын 0

I realize the API doesn't show which alert is active, but being able to manually pick Bio Lab Alert from Vanu's Perspective. 

A feature I would like for platoon leaders, is to be able to see what is my Faction's fastest route to Alert objectives. 

Also the defensive perspective would be nice too, Show which alert objectives are most vulnerable. 

Highlight the lattice lines a different color based on fasted, and show the estimated time. For Esamir highlight each territories border to the show fastest path until it gets a lattice.